I'm officially HALFWAY through PIYO and I feel FANTASTIC! When I started PIYO, I made a promise to myself that I would FINISH this program, for ME and for my FOLLOWERS! I've started so many programs and quit so many programs!
BUT...PIYO is different for me! I'm throwing my excuses out the window and FINISHING THIS PROGRAM! And besides the fact that I'm OBSESSED with Chalene Johnson's newest workout, I look forward to doing it everyday!
- What kind of workout is it?
- How long are the workouts?
- Are they actually hard?
- Do you actually get a good workout?
- I can't imagine Pilates and Yoga being enough?
- Can you get good results??
- PIYO is an UPBEAT blend of pilates and yoga! Personally, I haven't ever been a fan of pilates because I have a super weak core. I have enjoyed YOGA, but HATE that it's so slow! I have a dancer/cheerleader background...I need something to get me pumped! LOVE LOVE LOVE this "hip hop" piyo move that's incorporated a lot of the workouts!
- Each workout is roughly 30-45 minutes with a warm-up and cool-down.
- Trying PLANKING (like you are about to do a push-up) for 1 minute and then while STAYING IN A PLANK, bring your right knee to your right elbow and then switch to your left side and alternate for 1 minute. Looks like that below...THEN TELL ME IF YOU THINK IT'S A HARD WORK (and that's only 2 minutes)
- I will be honest...if you are already actively working out, the first week or two will seem easy to you! It's designed to focus on your alignment and form FIRST! But the workouts get harder and harder! I don't think I've sweat as much as I have with any other workout! And I've done P90X and T25!
- PIYO is definitely enough for the beginner! However, if you are more active, you might feel the need to add more cardio! On days that I feel I need more, I add a little T25 in there or walk my dog, Dumpster a little further!
- As you already know, I'm HALFWAY through the 60 day program! There were days that I skipped workouts, but made up for them by doubling up on the workouts. I can honestly say that I have done every workout! I started PIYO the same day I started the 3 DAY REFRESH and have been eating clean 75% of the time. I still had those cheat meals, but overall, I've been doing pretty good with my diet. I lost almost 5 pounds from the refresh and have kept those off the whole month while doing PIYO. While I haven't lost any extra weight from doing PIYO, I have totally noticed the difference in my HALFWAY PHOTOS...
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