And I WAS always looking to find the next BEST and EASIEST way to lose the weight!
I've tried it all...energy drinks, unhealthy cleanses, diet pills, and hardcore nights at the gym just to name a few!
-------------------NOT MY HEAVIEST, BUT GETTING CLOSE-------------->
I finally stopped looking for the next best diet fad, and started making a change in my life.
<---------STILL NOT MY HEAVIEST------------
My journey back to good health started back in 2010. I moved back to my hometown while my husband was stationed in Maine. At the time, we thought moving home would save money, but it really just became a time where I lost sight of who I was. Since my husband wasn't around to motivate me and keep me on point, I had gotten to my heaviest weight EVER...156 pounds. Instead of making changes then, I took one look in the mirror and got down on myself. And GIRLS, we all know what happens when we aren't happy with ourselves...we SELF-DESTRUCT with pizza, lazy days on the couch, and then there comes the pints of ice cream.

I joined the Y the very next day and started going to all the different classes they offered...cycling, Zumba, weight training, "running" on the elliptical! Once again, you name you name the class, I tried it.
Not seeing the results I wanted, I joined Weight Watchers with my mom. We both kept each other accountable! We went to the meetings, we weighed in every Saturday morning...and I had reached my first goal (7 pounds) right before my husband came down, packed me up, and shipped us off to Florida.
Once we got to sunny Florida, I was finally back with my ROCK, my MOTIVATOR, my PARTNER!!! And with my husband's help, I finally stopped looking for the next best diet fad, and started making a change in my life.
WE ORDERED P90X and started PRESSING PLAY everyday!!!
The first month...we worked out, we sweated, we dropped like flies, we got back up, we finished! Sometimes the workouts took longer than it was supposed to, but we finished! For the first time in my LIFE, I was seeing the results I wanted!
Great job!
ReplyDeleteThank you Traci!!!