Not sure if you remember me, but I'm Haley (Hi, Haley ----> My way of saying Welcome Back to myself!)
My "art teacher diva" alter ego took over while I was getting back into the groove of teaching, but NO WORRIES....
Fit, happy, and healthy Haley is making a COME BACK!
I was making every kind of excuse and working here and there. I changed my attitude, and NOW, I'm back to drinking my Shakeology everday, eating better, and getting my workouts in!
I'm keeping myself ACCOUNTABLE with a little tracker I made. I love making to-do lists and feeling EMPOWERED when I draw a little squiggly line through one of my tasks! Did I mention, I'm a teacher? We love to make lists!
It definitely feels FAN-FREAKIN-TASTIC to get back in the groove, but I won't lie, those first few workouts were...DRUM ROLL....a little difficult!
Instead of dwelling on the fact that I didn't do a few particular workouts from PIYO, I decided to make it interesting and switch up my workouts this week! Due to my crazy schedule, I was running low on time...soooooo Focus T25 to the rescue!
NO EXCUSES OVER HERE....it's ONLY 25 minutes! Quick and fast paced CARDIO workout!
T25 is seriously an awesome workout...I mean, really, who gets results in just 25 minutes?!?
Awhile back, I did T25 for a month and saw awesome changes in my body! If time is your excuse, let it be NO MORE! Ohhh...and did I tell you my secret?!? The T25 CHALLENGE PACK is on sale for a few more days!